All Nexus cards have at least one type. The card’s type tells you what happens when you play it. All cards except anomalies are considered functions. All cards except anomalies and events are also constants.


  • – Agents fight for you during the battle phase.
  • - Agents arrive on the planet in the staging area.
  • - Agents advance into biomes at the start of the battle phase.
  • - Agents retreat back into the staging area from the biomes at the end of the battle phase.
  • - Agents have either melee or ranged attack range.
  • - Ranged agents deal battle damage before melee agents.
  • - Ranged agents typically have less attack than melee agents.
  • - A agent’s attack determines how much damage it deals in the battle phase.
  • - An agent’s defense determines how much damage it takes to terminate it.
  • - Agents attack or defend during the battle phase of a turn.
  • - On the turn an agent arrives on the planet it cannot lock.
  • - Unlocked agents that just arrived on the planet can always:
  • --- Defend
  • --- Activate skills that don’t require locking.
  • - Some agents are also hardware or software.
  • - Agents typically have speed level I.
  • - Agents are constants.


  • – Events typically introduce immediate effects to the game.
  • - When an event is played, and executed, its effect is carried out immediately.
  • - After an event is executed it is put in the cache.


  • – Software introduce persistent effects to the game.
  • - Software typically arrive on the planet in the staging area.
  • - When a software leaves the planet, its effect is removed.
  • - Some software have the modification subtype.
  • --- Modifications arrive attached to another constant.
  • --- Modifications apply on ongoing effect tot he constant it's attached to.
  • --- Modifications always specify what type of constant it can alter.
  • --- If the modified constant leaves the planet, the modification is terminated.
  • - Effect are constants.


  • – Hardwares often introduce ongoing effects to the game and/or have activated skills.
  • - Hardwares arrive on the planet in the staging area.
  • - Hardwares are typically void.
  • - Some hardware are also agents.
  • - Some hardware have the gear subtype.
  • --- Like modifications, gear cards arrive attached to a friendly agent when played.
  • --- Similarly, gear cards also apply ongoing effects to the agent it's attached to.
  • -- But, unlike modifications, if a agent a gear is attached to leaves the planet, the gear remains. If the agent was in a biome, the gear remains in that biome. If the agents was in the staging area, the gear remains in the staging area.
  • - Gear cards, not currently attached to an agent can be attached to an agent when the Agents advances from the staging area to a biome.
  • -- If the unattached gear being attached is in a biome, the player selects that biome, then selects the gear to attach it to the agent.
  • -- f both the unattached gear agent attached and the Agents is in the staging area, the player selects a biome, then selects the gear to attach it to the Agents, then move the agents with the gear attached to the selected biome.
  • -- Attaching an unattached gear to an agents is free.
  • -- Attaching an unattached gear to an agents can only be done in the battle phase, when selecting attackers or defenders.
  • -- Attaching an unattached gear to an agents, is considered an action and has speed III.
  • -- Gear cards can also be attached to agents by cards, skills, or effects that say to attach a gear to an agents.
  • - Hardwares are constants.


  • – Spawns are not cards.
  • - Spawns are spawned by other cards.
  • - Spawns represent constants.
  • - Spawns typically arrive on the planet in the staging area.
  • - Spawns are often agents, but they can be any kind of constant.
  • - The spawn’s skills, stats, and so on are determined by the card which created it.
  • - The creator of the spawn is the owner of it.
  • - Spawns are constants.