Starting the Game
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A game of Nexus refers to a series of matches played by players in sequence. A game can either: be played as best-of-one (Bo1) or best- of-three (Bo3) matches.
In Bo3 games, players may use their reserve to swap out cards or specials between matches. Players may keep up to 12 cards, and one extra special in their reserve. Having a reserve is not required.
Deck requirements:
- Must have 45 cards.
- May only have 3 copies of any given card.
Starting hands
Each player shuffles their deck.
Each player draws a starting hand of six cards.
Players decide whether to keep their starting hand or perform a mulligan.
The decision order:
— In the first match of the game: the starting player decides first.
— In subsequent matches: the loser of the previous match decides first.
If a player decides to mulligan they:
— Shuffle their starting hand into their deck.
— Draw a new hand.
— Place one card, for each mulligan they’ve taken this match, from their hand on the bottom of their deck.
Repeat this process until both players decide to keep their starting hands.
Match start
— The match begins once both players decide to keep their starting hand.
— The first player to act in the first match of the game is the starting player.
— The first player to act in subsequent matches is the losing player of the previous match.
— The starting player takes the first turn of the match.
— The starting player draws only one card for their first turn.
— Each sector has 10 starting durability.