Games in Nexus ends when a player wins enough matches:

  • For best-of-one (Bo1), it’s when a player wins the match.
  • For best-of-three (Bo3), it’s when a player wins two matches.

Players win matches by achieving win conditions once all actions in the queue has executed.

Victory conditions


— When a sector takes damage, it loses that much durability.

— Sectors can take damage when:

— — Attacked by agents.

— — Affected by events.

— — Affected by skills.

— Cards and skills can make sectors take damage or lose durability.

— If any of the player’s sectors losing durability brings that sectors durability to zero or less, they lose the sector.


— Some cards literally state that a player:

— — Wins or loses a sector.

— — Wins or loses the match.

— Such effects typically either:

— — Require some conditions to be met.

— — Come at a high price or punishment.


If a player is unable to draw a card from their deck, they pick a biome. Then they lose that biome.


— A player may concede the current match or the entire game at any point.

— If a player concdes the current match, they lose that match.

— — If it’s a Bo3 game and they already lost a match, the lose the game.

— If a player concedes the entire game, they lose the game.